Kourtney Cushway
December 2020
Hillcrest Medical Center




Kourtney told staff that she would be the only one caring for this patient because he had multiple symptoms that could be COVID.
Kourtney was floated from her home unit 2H, to 5H. She received report about a patient who she thought might be COVID positive. Before the patient arrived on the floor, Kourtney told all staff to stay away from the patient and the room. She told staff that she would be the only one caring for this patient because he had multiple symptoms that could be COVID. The patient was on 5H for a few hours when Kourtney called the house supervisor to express how sick the patient was and how she thought the patient might be COVID positive. The patient was transferred shortly after and the COVID results came back positive. When I received the exposure report, there was only one person for me to screen and that was Kourtney. I felt she went above and beyond for a team that wasn't her normal team. She put her coworkers first and made them safe. This was an outstanding performance of a caring nurse.