Kimberly Gullikson
August 2018
Maine Medical Center
United States




I would like to recognize Kim Gullikson, RN, in the ED. Over the last week and a half, we have had a very challenging 14-year-old patient in the psychiatric unit of the Emergency Department. Kim has been able to bond with this young patient throughout their stay; she has come in early and stayed late to be here more often with this patient. She has sat and rubbed the patient's back and helped her get to sleep. Kim has played games, read this patient bedtime stories, taken the patient's clothing home to wash, brought in treats as an incentive for the patient to have good behavior. This patient has kicked, spit, scratched, pinched, hit, and cursed ungodly words at nearly every staff member that they have encountered, often these actions have been aimed at Kim (due to her 16-hour shifts in which she volunteers to be placed taking care of this patient). Despite all of the attacks on Kim from this patient, she always remains calm, keeps her cool, and is able to work her magic to get this patient to calm down and even apologize for her actions. Kim is an incredible nurse and we as well as this patient are incredibly lucky to work alongside her.