Kim Oh
May 2018
Mother-Baby Unit
University of Washington Medical Center
United States




Kim Oh, a former Resource nurse joined the Mother Baby Unit in 2016. With her came great med-surg skills, and a passion for sharing information gained in her previous experience. As a charge nurse, preceptor, and a bedside nurse, Kim is always a positive team player with a good attitude. In taking on multiple roles she applies her passion, hard work, and a sense of commitment to team centered collaboration.
Kim is mentioned frequently on patient rounding, Press Ganey Surveys, and Patient Care manager calls. Kim's praises include feedback such as;
"Kim really pushed me to get going with walking and that really made a difference."
"Kim was knowledgeable and kind and helpful."
"Kim really helped me understand what I needed to do. She took time with me and knew what was important to me."
Kim is a great asset to the floor; she is highly regarded, always willing to help, shows grace under pressure, and her extensive background in med-surg skills make her valuable to our high-risk population.
Her kindness, saintly attitude, and calm therapeutic manner were well utilized when one of our patients was escalating towards psychotic behavior. The patient related to Kim and agreed to take medication. Her actions were pivotal in preventing a code grey.
Kim not only helps out the unit when busy but is constantly thinking about how to make the unit a better place. She is much loved by both patients and colleagues. She is a Mother Baby blossom, a true DAISY.