Kevin Coats
August 2019
Surgery Trauma ICU
WakeMed Health & Hospitals
United States




Kevin is an amazing nurse! He came in early in our STICU stay and organized our son's room, took control, and made us feel safe. Kevin was the first person to be able to get our son comfortable. We were at the beginning of this very long journey, and he took charge and made sure everything possible was being done to care for my son.
On the holiday, he came in and asked me to take time for my family. Kevin did it in such an amazing way so that I couldn't feel guilty about leaving for a while to be with my husband and other kids. He asked me if I trusted them. By this point, I trusted them implicitly. He told me that he had my son and would take care of him while I was away. He gave me permission to take a breath and recover for a minute. I'm grateful that he cared enough to do that.