Keva Clarke
October 2020
10A Medicine
University of Texas Medical Branch - Galveston




Keva is a very compassionate nurse who gives Best Care to her patients and their families. Keva demonstrated her compassion by deliberately trying to spend extra time with her patients to just talk to them.
Keva Clarke meets and exceeds all the criteria for this prestigious award. Exemplifies Excellence- she is a leader on the unit for excellence and does audits to help ensure that pain is documented per policy and meets the Joint Commission requirements. She also gives staff feedback on the audits and educates them on pain documentation.
Compassion- Keva is a very compassionate nurse who gives Best Care to her patients and their families. Keva demonstrated her compassion by deliberately trying to spend extra time with her patients to just talk to them. During COVID and No Visitor policy, patients were very lonely without their family being allowed to visit and stay with them, especially at night. An example of Patient/Family Focus is when she had a patient who was so worried that her family didn't know what was going on. She coordinated with the doctor and had a family conference call at the patient's bedside so that the doctor could talk with the patient and family, this is a good example of how she Advocated for her patient. Both the patient and family were very grateful for Keva advocating for them and to put everyone's mind at ease.
Keva is a Team player and a leader in our department. She does what is needed to be done, she will step up and be resource nurse when they are short, will come in and work overtime to fill in holes and help her co-workers.
Keva is a Critical Thinker- she was acting as resource nurse one night and saw a patient with a MEWs score of 5, she immediately went to check on the patient and found that the nurse assigned to this patient was overwhelmed and busy with another patient. Keva stepped in and called the doctor to get an order for necessary labs. She ended up starting a new IV and getting labs then continued to do the full admission assessment, change the patient, and get her all set up. When the nurse came in everything had been done and the patient was settled, the nurse was very grateful for Keva.
Another example of what a DAISY Nurse Keva is.... when we had a patient with an irregular heart beat, she had to use the chain of command to ensure that her patient got the needed labs and a cardiology consult, she had to go all the way up the chain to the Faculty during the night to ensure her patient's best care. Keva leads her team with a positive attitude even in trying times when they are short and high acuity on the floor. When Keva isn't working she can be seen in her community helping others, like getting groceries for her elderly neighbors. Keva is a true DAISY Nurse and deserves to be recognized for everything she does day in and day out.