Kelly Stenwall
October 2019
Radiology Surgical
Methodist Hospital and Methodist Women's Hospital
United States




I have only ever written about two other outstanding women who have impacted my life in such a way that I could ever fully explain how incredible they are. One was my grandmother who brought to life my love of nursing. The other my Med/Surg clinical teacher.
Today, I am writing to you about Kelly Stenwall. I decided to become a CNA to determine if I truly wanted to become a nurse. Well 5 years later and I am halfway done with nursing school and I have loved almost every second of it. Kelly is really your "one of a kind" type of nurse.
What I mean when I say this is that Kelly embodies everything I want to be when I become a nurse. I have worked with many amazing nurses and have met some great ones who have taken care of my family. Kelly goes that extra mile for her patients and makes people feel so comfortable and safe. There have been countless times where she gets this "feeling" or intuition about a patient that ends up saving their life. I cannot go into detail about certain patients but the fact that she follows up with every sign and symptom says a lot.
As a co-worker, Kelly has always treated me with respect as well as everyone else she comes into contact with. I could go on and on about what she means to this hospital and myself. She has become my best friend and one that I get to care for patients with. I am honored to work with her and honored to learn so much from the nurse I would love to become someday. She is the "meaning of care".