Kelly Parker-Ramsey
February 2019
Surgical Intensive Care Unit
Charles George VA Medical Center
United States




I had open-heart surgery earlier this year. Needless to say, at 44 years young it was a very emotional and painful experience. Even though I called her by the wrong name for two entire days, she never corrected me or treated me in an odd way. Actually, when I woke up with night terrors and sweats, I was always greeted by her with absolute compassion and understanding. I will miss her dearly. I don't trust many people, however, Kelly has become a security blanket for me! As a Veteran and Patriot, people like Kelly remind me of why I served! She is an amazing human! It was a beautiful experience to be treated as a person and not a patient. She is a perfect representation of why nurses are a unique and wonderful few. Kelly has wings under her scrubs!! She is an angel!