September 2017
Labor and Delivery
Carolinas Healthcare System NorthEast
United States




From the moment I walked into triage on a Monday, Kelly was my nurse. She took amazing care of me. Little did I know that was the beginning of a very long week from me and my husband. We had to come in the next day to be induced three weeks early. When we walked into our room we were lucky enough to have Kelly again as our nurse. She always made sure I was taken care of. Kelly remained our nurse for the next two days; days that were long and hard and trying. But, with Kelly as our nurse, I knew I was not alone and she made me feel like I was well taken care of. She was a light in an uncertain time for my family. I will never forget the next day, the day I had my daughter Kelly came in to check on me and my family on her day off. She is simply amazing and someone I will never forget.