February 2020
Inpatient Behavioral Health Unit
St. Louis Children's Hospital




Kelly finally had to tell them "this is verging on negligence, I need someone to come see my patient."
During report, Kelly was informed that there was a newly admitted patient who did not have orders put in to manage her diabetes. On top of her full load of patients and charge nurse duties, she made this patient's needs a priority. This patient hadn't been seen or had orders put in from the endocrine team, so she could not eat. She also needed insulin because of her blood sugar levels. She called several different providers and continued to be passed off to someone else. She finally had to tell them "this is verging on negligence, I need someone to come see my patient." Finally, the patient was seen 3 hours later. If Kelly wouldn't have stopped what she was doing and put all of her focus onto this patient who knows what the outcome would have been.