Julia Chambers
October 2019
OB Triage
Banner - University Medical Center Phoenix
United States




We came to the hospital because I hadn't felt the baby move that morning. I was 35 weeks pregnant and Julia was the first one to struggle to find a heartbeat. She got an ultrasound technician and was there when he told us that he couldn't find a heartbeat and our baby had passed.
The next day when we came back to deliver, we were in triage waiting for a room when Julia arrived for work. She said she received a text that we were here, and she grabbed us to bring us to our room before she even had a chance to put her lunch down. She was there for us on the hardest day of our lives, and she provided so much encouragement, comfort, and compassion throughout the delivery day. She validated that we are parents and encouraged us to spend time with our baby. She was able to laugh with us and be sad with us, and the support and compassion she provided were crucial to getting through the day.
I imagine as a labor and delivery nurse, most of her days are filled with happiness and joy. But Julia's ability to be exactly what we needed on such a tragic day helped us on our path towards healing and her kindness will be remembered for the rest of our lives.