Joyce J. Smith
May 2016
Emergency Department
Murray Medical Center
United States




Just now I was out in the Emergency Department and a patient's family member was in the hall. I spoke to him and we started a conversation. I asked him who he had in the ED today and how it was going and his statement summed up this particular nurse.
"It's my mother and we are in excellent hands with Joyce being our Nurse. My mom is 93 so we have to come to the ED from time to time and when I see Joyce Smith headed our way, I know I don't have anything to worry about."
I too have had the pleasure of having Joyce care for a very sick family member and felt exactly as this man stated above.
Joyce seems to be blind, deaf, and not have a sense of smell. I say this as I have worked alongside of her for years and have never observed Joyce backing away from a situation or treat anyone any differently because of their skin color, their lack of hygiene, or their name.
I overhear her frequently from my office in one of the Psychiatric patient rooms, she never varies. As a mentally ill patient may be cursing and saying terrible things, Joyce continues rock solid. She is kind and compassionate with all patients.
Joyce frequently works with other staff members to make everyone's work environment better. She takes ownership in not only the ED but all of MMC. Joyce looks for ways to improve our hospital and is consistently first to volunteer for an opportunity to serve. She approached me a couple of months ago and begged to come in on her off day to clean and reorganize our Decon room.
Joyce works to stay current with ED procedures, medications, and treatments, so that she is ready to offer the BEST care in any situation that she can. She is always willing to teach her peers what she knows, so that they also will provide quality care for the best outcome of the patient.
When I think about the DAISY Award, Joyce Smith is the model Nurse that comes to my mind.