Jonathan McGee
July 2019
Duke Raleigh Hospital




Jonathan had a new employee following and as he was teaching her he taught us.
Met Jonathan in the afternoon at the return of D from surgery. He introduced himself by asking personal questions about D to better know who he is. Over the next few days, Jonathan explained what was happening, what the goal was, and why the steps were so important to the process. He allowed us to ask questions and was very compassionate with breaking down medical wording so that it was comprehendible.
During a particularly hard time while D was unable to respond and Jonathan took pain meds away he was able to explain what was happening and why it was important to his recovery and most importantly what it was going to look like. He explained that it is okay to leave the room if it is too hard to see him and it is equally okay to stay with him to comfort him. Jonathan had a new employee following and as he was teaching her he taught us. He made our stay much less stressful than it could have been. Jonathan is an extraordinary nurse.