September 2014
Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital
United States




... We had a patient in the unit that was very difficult to take care of. He had many "Code Grey" situations and the family had "fired" almost half of the nurses. This patient was on our unit for almost a month. John took care of this patient for about 3 weeks in a row. He was able to sit down and talk to the patient and connect with him on a different level. While he was the nurse, the patient did not have any "violent" episodes and was able to stay out of his restraints. John would take extra time to sit with the patient and the family to make sure all of their needs were being met. He even brought the patient outside and sat with him for almost an hour to give him a change in scenery. On the last day the patient was in our unit John brought him a stack of magazines he thought he would enjoy to try to keep him occupied and calm. John truly connected with this patient and was key part in his recovery. If it were not for his hard work this patient would not have had the improvements he did and our staff would have continued to struggle to care for this patient.

John's patience and compassion is admirable and it shines through in every patient he cares for. He is deserving of the DAISY Award for the small but extremely important things he does for his patients every day.