Joanne Pasinski
February 2018
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Hackensack University Medical Center
United States




Without this blessing of a woman named Joanne Pasinski, my husband and I would not have made it through the first few days of our daughter's early arrival. Our daughter decided to make her appearance into this world at 37 weeks. She was a good size baby at 71b 14 oz, but they quickly determined that something wasn't right with her breathing. After going into recovery and briefly seeing her in the NICU, I was settled into my room while they monitored her. That's when we met Joanne. From the moment we spoke, she kept us informed on everything and explained what didn't make sense to us. She was comforting, understanding, and we just felt like she was connected to our daughter and was always there for her. When we found out she had a pneumothorax and respiratory distress syndrome with transient pulmonary hypertension, Joanne was there, explaining what was going on inside our daughter, the good and the bad and remained calm at all times. That was the key for my husband and me, who were your typical hysterical crying parents. If Joanne was calm, I knew there was hope that our daughter would pull through when ready. She shared with us that her child had been born prematurely and suffered from similar obstacles as our daughter was and fully recovered. Now we know this isn't the case for everyone, but her personal experience along with her knowledgeable work experience, made me feel things could improve even when it sounded like they wouldn't. Eventually, our daughter was stable enough to be transferred for more of the care she needed. Around the time her shift was supposed to end, Joanne walked with my husband up to my room to explain to me why they felt it was better suited for our daughter to be moved and the process that happens for it. As a new mom, her knowledge, compassion, and calmness were key for me.