Jessica Bartko
December 2015
Cardiothoracic ICU
Forbes Hospital
United States




On June 5, ny husband passed away in the cardiothoracic ICU. I received a phone call early that morning from his long-time physician telling me that his systems are failing and it was a time to discuss withdrawing treatment. When I arrived at the unit I felt an instant sense of relief when I saw that Jess was his nurse. She had taken care of him earlier in the week and I knew that she was confident, kind and compassionate. As the day progressed, Jess kept us informed of my husband's condition every step of the way. As other family arrived, she made sure they were comfortable, informed and had everything they needed. She showed great concern for our well-being as we watched our loved one slip away. Even at the end, Jess was checking his vital signs and keeping us informed of changes. With her help and under her watchful eye, our family by his side, my husband's heart faded away.
Although this was such a sorrowful experience, I am so grateful to Jess that she saw to it that he was able to die in dignity, pain-free and as peaceful as possible. The world needs more nurses like Jess, she's a special person who has an obvious zest for life . I will never forget how kind she was with all of us. I will hold her forever in my prayers.