Jennifer Stephenson
October 2018
UW Health University Hospital
United States




I know you have remarkable nurses, but Jen Stephenson made a mark on me and on my son. He came into the ER bleeding and we weren't sure why. Jen did an incredible job explaining to me what was to be expected while interacting with my son and letting him know what was going to happen. He ended up needing an enema, which in most respects is not invasive, but to him was incredibly invasive. He had a really hard time and we all ended up in a bathroom where my son fiercely advocated for himself and she kept me steady while I supported my kiddo.
This wasn't a life or death situation, but it was real life. Real things that happen. And Jen did an impeccable job letting my son and I both know what was happening, what to expect, and when to expect it.
I cannot express my thanks enough. And the impetus to nominate Jen for this award came tonight while reading stories: Curious George Goes to the Hospital. My son yelled out, "I had a bracelet!'' And then, "I had a nice nurse! Her name was Jen!" And then, "Jen took good care of me! And she helped you when you cried." "And Jen and C brought me Paw Patrol, so I would be happy."
Yup. He gets it. So, Jen, I hope that even if this doesn't result in an award for you that you know that you made a huge difference in our lives that day. After working with the doctors to ask the questions you needed to ask (and I brought him to you fully hoping those questions would be asked), you also worked with me and gave me a little respite when I needed it. And you kept him comfortable. And you all kept us informed. I cannot thank you enough. You exemplify what emergency medical care should be.