Janey Norton
January 2015
Good Shepherd Medical Center
United States




I would like to recognize Janey for compassion in action. On Friday I found her at the nurses station clipping off the tag to a new pair of gold sequin slippers. Finding it odd, I had to ask what she had planned for those in the middle of the shift. She giggled and explained that one of her patients had an accident and had the misfortune of stepping in urine. She was able to get the patient cleaned up but wanted to do something special. Janey said she had snuck out to the gift shop and purchased these nonskid slippers so the patient could "go in style".

Today Janey was taking care of a patient nearing the end of life. He was unstable and not expected to make it through the night. She had spent a good part of her shift dedicated to his care, talking with him and holding his hand. After talking with the family on the phone, the decision was made for him to be placed on DNR status, but the family was not going to be able to make it to the hospital until the next day. Janey was concerned that there was a high possibility he would not make it through the night and pass away alone. Some calls were made to try to arrange for a volunteer to be available to sit with him through the night. At the end of the shift he was finally transferred to the floor and the unit was waiting on a volunteer to arrive. As I left for the night, I learned that Janey was staying with the patient with the intention of staying with him (for an indefinite length of time) until another volunteer (if available) arrived. Her concern overflowed to the family as she stated, "I would want someone to be with my loved one if they passed, just knowing they were not alone."

I truly believe there are many more acts like these that have gone unnoticed. Janey's compassion is refreshing and inspiring and her heart for her patients is evident.