Heather St. John
March 2016
Piedmont Newnan Hospital
United States




My 86 year old mother came to Piedmont Newnan in great pain and distress from an intestinal blockage. She required a lot of attention and care of all the nursing team especially the support nurses that patiently and untiring changed and cleaned her bottom constantly after her blockage was resolved. I cannot say enough good things about these angels of God that give this kind of care. Nurse Heather St. John made a big difference in my mother's recovery and health as she quickly accessed her need for IV nutrition. After a week of no food and little fluid, my normally sound minded mother began showing signs of confusion and distress. Heather evaluated her need for nutrition by IV and took immediate steps to call her doctor and made it happen. Heather set into motion getting her a much needed PICC Line so that she could receive antibiotics for her Cdef and ESBL infections. I feel her quick and appropriate action made a big difference as my mother's condition quickly improved after the nutrition IV was started. I feel she assessed my mother's needs better than any of her doctors had at that point and was pivotal in her improved recovery.
Nurse Heather St. John definitely made a difference and should be recognized for her excellent nursing skills and her attention to patient needs. She definitely made a difference in my mother's health.
Special note: When this patient's daughter was called to inform her that her nomination for Heather had been chosen for the DAISY Honoree for March and to invite her and her mother to the presentation, she informed me that her mother had just passed away after an eventual diagnosis of colon cancer. She sent words of profound appreciation and gratitude to Heather because in her words, "she gave me a few more weeks with my mother that I otherwise know I would not have had if she hadn't have taken care of her the way she did. Words can never express how grateful I truly am!"