Gretchein Esmalla
July 2015
University of Chicago Medicine
United States




All of my nurses gave great care but my Special DAISY Nurse is Gretchen who worked two night shifts while I was in the hospital. Her heart is truly into all that she did and does...not just for me but every patient. She put herself in my shoes and with her heart walked beside me. I sustained a closed head injury almost 5 years ago and have experienced recurring seizure activity...She took such time to listen...I remember during one of my seizure-like events in which I was in a distorted awareness, conscious yet unable to completely respond, Gretchen stood by my bedside not only performing her instructed duties but very gently and with an amazingly comforting voice continued reassuring me that things were well, that I was doing fine and that she was right there. One morning as her shift was soon to be over, she made a special point to say good-bye and as I began to share the gratitude in my heart that I had of her awesome care for me, she began to share her heart with me in return about how it is her true desire to give care to her patients as she would want her own personal care to be given. I have been ill with many health issues in my lifetime, more than not, and have received care in numerous hospitals. Gretchen is and always will be my true DAISY! She is sincerely a 'one of a kind' nurse and genuine person and the entire University of Chicago Medicine are very fortunate to have her be a part of it's team!