Gina Love
January 2018
OR Nurses Nationwide Inc
United States




Gina Love is one of the most competent, caring OR nurses I have encountered in my nearly 40-year career. She is kind to patients and always very calm, regardless of the situation. Surgeons request Gina for their cases and she will voluntarily stay late and come in early. Her calm demeanor and caring approach put even the most anxious patients more at ease.
One especially tense patient shared that: "I was so nervous-I've never had surgery before. My surgery nurse, Gina really put me at ease. She made sure I saw my family members before I went back to the surgery room. She made sure I was as comfortable as possible on those stretchers. Thank you for the warm blankets. She made sure I knew what was happening every step of the way. Thank you, Gina!"
I can tell you that Gina Love is all of that and a bag of chips and we are privileged to work with her and have her in our profession. Thank You!