Gavin Cregan
April 2020
Pediatric Surgery Center
Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center
United States




From the time my daughter and I checked into the peds surgery center, Nurse Gavin was our faithful nurse. Along the way, we've had several nurses here at Sacred Heart in the surgery center, and Nurse Gavin was simply excellent, surpassing the care of all we've received. Nurse Gavin was sober from the beginning, serious about the task at hand, and very professional throughout. When I admitted my error (from a surgical perspective) in allowing our daughter to take a 1/3 dose of communion this morning, he promptly reported it. This was the right thing to do. From that moment on, I saw Nurse Gavin work on our behalf to retain our sedated MRI time, even going at one point (I think?) into the OR when summoned by an anesthesiologist who wanted more information before rendering a decision on the safety of proceeding. He advocated for us, apologized that the decision was taking so long, and even received my slightly heated argumentation with all grace, understanding, and kindness. Nurse Gavin didn't waste a single moment, and as you know with a 7-year-old child fasting and hungry, every moment counts. When he got the thumbs up from the doctor, he immediately went to the cabinet for our daughter's versed dose and returned to our room with it in hand so as not to delay the procedure any longer. He maintained respectful conversation throughout, never blurring the lines of professionalism and walking me through what to expect from the MRI. When my diabetes pump prohibited me from walking into the MRI room to be with our daughter, Nurse Gavin cleared it so that I could stand at the doorway and talk to her as she fell asleep. Never once did he reproach me for my decision to allow our daughter the faithful practice of communion that she so loves. I would commend Nurse Gavin to you for his persistence, for his ethical standard of nursing, for the ease with which he accessed our daughter's vein for her IV, and perhaps most importantly for his empathy and professionalism throughout. From this mama's perspective, Nurse Gavin is a DAISY Nurse in every respect.