Gabbie Barlow
January 2018
Labor and Delivery
Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC
United States




Gabbie is by far the most attentive, considerate and nurturing nurse, I had ever had the honor to meet. Having a high-risk pregnancy and scheduled induction brought up a lot of unrest and anxiety in me. I had to have constant monitoring for my entire 49 hours of labor. I really did not like the monitors, but Gabbie helped me to see why and how they were so important. I was extremely restless throughout my labor. I constantly changed positions, and constantly fell off the monitor. Gabbie was on it so fast when I came off the monitors. I don't think more than 2 minutes went by off the monitor without her coming in to readjust. I had a few scares with decelarations and I never once felt scared with Gabbie there with her incredibly calm and reassuring energy. I knew everything would be fine when I was in her presence. Without her, my anxiety would have likely gotten the best of me and may have needed serious interventions.
Gabbie was more than fantastic to my support team as well. I had pain and she offered positioning tips and showed my support different types of massage. There was one moment in particular that I knew she was going far above and beyond. My labor was dragging on and my support team began to break down from deep exhaustion and fierce hunger. Gabbie sent them out to take a breather and refuel. She stayed with me and comforted me as my pain was near its peak. I know I told her I loved her several times in that half hour because I did! She selflessly gave her time and energy to give not only me but my entire support team the break we all desperately needed.
In my birth plan, I wanted to have an all natural vaginal delivery. I know in my heart I would have needed an epidural if it had not been for all the love, compassion and deep calm Gabbie brought to the labor and delivery room. Gabbie was off when our little girl was born, but she came for a visit the next day. I have spent too much time in hospitals in my 30 years of life and can say that Gabbie is well suited to her position. UPMC is so fortunate to have such an invaluable resource. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, Gabbie!