Fang Hongzheng
June 2016
Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University
Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province




I would like to nominate one of our outstanding colleagues—Fang Hongzheng - for this wonderful and honorable DAISY Award!
Since 2010, Fang has donated both whole blood and blood components more than 70 times, making him an active member of the "Blood Platelet Family" of Zhejiang Blood Bank. He embodies the holy mission that an "Angel" (as people refer to a compassionate nurse) holds. He really showcases what makes an excellent nurse both at work and in life. Fang always rushes to the front to complete the most difficult tasks. "No worries, I'm here," he says. "Just leave it there; let me do it." These sayings have become the pet phrases that represent him. He's always the first one to come in to work and the last one to leave, after making sure everything is in order.
In 2015, when there was the outbreak of Swine Flu, one flu-suspected patient was transferred from the local hospital to the First-Aid Room in our ER. Fang was his primary nurse. Everyone else was scared to be near this patient and happy that they were not assigned as his primary nurse. Fang, on the other hand, showed a very calm and professional manner. He put on the special N95 mask and the isolation gown as required before walking into that ward. Fang worked there with the patient, providing tender care, leaning forward to communicate with the patient and smiling all the time as he usually does. Sometimes we could see him holding the patient's hands, comforting him or explaining things, signifying that he would spend as much time in there as the patient needed. Each and every time before he entered patient's room, Fang knocked on the door and then gently closed it after interacting with the patient to provide a peaceful resting environment. He was very considerate, showing great respect for the patient, and he managed to ease many of the patient's worries to keep him calm and in a good mood.
Another story that shows Fang's consideration and compassion occurred with a dementia patient, Wang (a pseudonym). In his confusion, Wang yanked out the needle that connected him to an IV drop he was using, resulting in blood leaking from the puncture hole and contamination of the sheet and the patient gown that he was wearing. Fang noticed that and immediately found a piece of gauze to help stop the bleeding and began talking to the patient. Wang felt insecure at that moment because his attendant family member had gone to the bathroom without notifying him. Fang comforted Wang by holding his hands and murmuring soothingly to him. "They did not leave you; they just went to the bathroom and will be back in a minute. I'm going to be here with you. Now, we are going to deal with the blood on your hands, on the gown, and the sheet, ok? Will you promise to be calm if I go get some supplies?" We do not know whether Wang understood anything that Fang told him, but what we did witness was that Wang nodded his head and gave a shy, repentant smile as if he had done something wrong. Fang quickly came back to the patient and managed his IV. He helped Wang into a clean gown and changed the sheet while joking with him. Fang stayed with Wang until his family member came back and made sure that the patient would be fine if Fang left. Fang also educated the family members to keep Wang informed of where they were so that the patient would behave.
What Fang did for the patients is not huge and dramatic, but illustrates the very warm and comforting care, which he offers each and every day in his work, making Fang such a selfless, dedicated and excellent nurse!