Fan Fengli
March 2019
Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University
Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province




Fan Fengli, the nurse educator of the unit 621W (Day Center for Chemo), is the mum of triplets. She keeps balance in her work and life. She treats patients and colleagues very well. Patients thank Fan Fengli. She coordinates with PIVAS, radiology, and physicians to save patients time and energy. She is also an excellent educator to teach patients how to take care of themselves for Chemo. She is also a good listener to patients concerns and responds professionally. Patients love to have her around!
Nurses thank Fan Fengli. She is a good supporter of colleagues. She helped a nurse transferred from ICU overcome the fear of Chemo medication and talking to patients and families effectively. She is the role model for nurses.
Clinical trial coordinators also thank Fan Fengli for her assistance for the clinical trials which also benefit the patients. She is a leader, who is determined to support the trials in her off-duty time. She follows the protocol rigorously, which shows the professionalism of SRRSH nurses.
We all love Fan Fengli, one of the excellent nurses!