Elaina Grencik
May 2019
Intermediate Care Unit
Columbia St. Mary's Hospital Milwaukee
United States




Elaina has not been my nurse, but she would be the nurse I would want to take care of me or my family if ever needed. Elaina is my co-worker. I have been an RN for 16 years and I look up to her even though she has been an RN for a much shorter time. Even in this trying time of bed shortages and nursing gaps, Elaina has remained positive. Her positive attitude is infectious. In a time when unit morale seems to be at an all-time low, she plans things to boost the morale on her unit, she organizes potlucks and unit get-togethers to keep her nurses involved and engaged. I have heard that nurses specifically want to work night shift, just so that they can work with Elaina (night shift is not always a desirable shift and those gaps are hard to fill, so that speak volumes about her). She is committed to this organization when other nurses are leaving this hospital to find "bigger and better" opportunities, Elaina speaks about her love of Ascension Columbia St. Mary's and is helping to find ways to retain our nurses. She has volunteered to speak to nursing students at local colleges on her own time, to share her experiences at Ascension Columbia St. Mary's and to try to recruit nurses to fill our open positions. She is an amazing role model for her unit. This young RN is a problem solver, always looking out for the best interest of her patients. She is a true DAISY Nurse.