Deb Lilley
May 2018
Vascular Access
Carroll Hospital
United States




Deb was called to d/c a central line on a patient for discharge. She noted that the patient's platelet count to be 28 and spoke with the nurse stating her concerns for bleeding and, per policy, the platelet count should be repeated. The nurse spoke with the doctor who stated the patient "had 12 units of platelets and should be fine." Deb still voiced concern and asked to please have the platelet level repeated. It was and was found to be very low; so, not only did the patient not get discharged and not have the central line removed but required further platelet infusions. Due to Deb's knowledge and true concern for the patient, a potentially fatal issue was avoided. Deb always double and triple checks on her patients with respect to her job but follows policy and procedures as any nurse should for a better outcome regarding the patient.