November 2016
Spine Center
Stormont-Vail HealthCare
United States




I was recently hospitalized following an accident in which I suffered broken ribs and required a chest tube. The first night after having my chest tube placed, I was in excruciating pain and was having difficulty breathing. During the middle of the night, I had an episode of pain and even with pain medications, I was still struggling. David came to my room and sat with me to help me get through the pain. I recall being very upset and struggling to get enough air and David was very calm and simply held my hand and reassured me that the pain would pass and I would be ok. Eventually the pain subsided and I fell asleep. Being alone in a hospital room and having anxiety from pain and difficulty breathing can be a very challenging experience. I was thankful that David was willing to sit with me and the compassion he expressed was much appreciated.