Dana Gonzales
August 2019
Cardiac Intensive Care Unit
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
United States




Throughout the six weeks my mom was in your hospital she was fortunate to have amazing care from all the staff of Jefferson's CVICU. However, the skilled care, compassion, and love demonstrated by both Dana and Joanne was extraordinary. Again, all the care was amazing, but the last week my mom was with us either Dana or JoAnne seemed to be on duty. On my mom's final day with us, both Dana and JoAnne were on duty. As she continued to deteriorate they would not leave her side. They seemed to tag team each other and as one would leave the other would appear. It was a very sad situation, but their compassion did not stop with my mom, they could not have been kinder to all of us. I do not think you can teach someone the attitude they displayed. I think their motivation to do a remarkable job is their innate desire for the good of others. I am not sure I have adequately conveyed the appreciation and gratitude we feel. It was an experience I will never forget in large part because of Dana and JoAnne.