Consuelo Perry
April 2018
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan
Ann Arbor
United States




Consuelo (Sway) Perry was a strong advocate and presence for my son. She worked closely with him during much of his stay and developed a strong relationship with him, myself and my wife. We spent a good amount of time trying to understand what issues were trigger points for him, and how to address them best. Her insight into identifying these triggers and helping us understand how to cope was wonderful. She also developed a good relationship with my son. I know that he respected her and their relationship. While I am sure that my son is not the only patient she approached with this amount of care and compassion, it certainly felt that way, and it is a remarkable feeling to have!
As I am writing this message, I am fearful that it is not accurately portraying the impact that your staff, particularly Sway, had on my son, my wife and myself. I am truly thankful that she was a critical member of this process for us, and she helped us navigate this critical time for our son. Perhaps my vantage point is a bit skewed as I am well aware of the capability of the nurses that we have here at Michigan. My wife, on more than one occasion, made mention to me how thankful she was to have Sway as a key part of the team! Having been a nurse for some time myself, and having worked with many great ones, I will tell you with confidence that Sway is remarkable for her care and compassion, and certainly is a steward for representing the best nurses at Michigan! Thanks so much.