Constance Coates
February 2018
Neurosurgery Service
VA Birmingham Medical Center
United States




Constance Coates' letter came from a Veteran who was receiving the neurosurgical procedure, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) surgery. The Veteran was nervous about his upcoming procedure during his pre-op session. The Veteran stated the following, "Ms. Coates, the Nurse Practitioner, is always there for me. During my first DBS procedure, things became a little dangerous, and I felt someone's hand. In a strong and firm voice, I heard her voice telling me 'you are okay, just relax'." The Veteran was very appreciative of the support and compassion that was given to him by Ms. Coates. He concluded the nomination by stating, "Sometimes I believe that God is just busy with others and their problems, and that is why He sends out His BEST Angels. My Angel is named Constance Coates." During the recognition ceremony for Ms. Coates, the Chief of Staff of the VA BirminghamMedical Centerstated that he too had received a letter from a different Veteran receiving DBS Surgery commending Ms. Coates on her compassion!