Chris Alvarez
October 2020
Step Down
Newton Medical Center
United States




I was floated to One South and what I saw I will remember forever. Firstly, I was so impressed with Chris's report to me. He knew all these little things that his patients liked that I could do to make them more comfortable. Then I got report from him on NM. NM was a mentally challenged patient with a large, painful ulcer on his bottom. He had no "family". Chris stayed to help me in changing his dressing and then sat and talked with NM after he punched out from his shift. After Chris went home, NM stated "Chris is my friend, he talks to me, like really talks to me". Chris is consistently compassionate and caring for all his patients. Sometimes it's all the little things you do consistently to care for patients that gives them the greatest comfort and inspires your coworkers to do it too! Thank you.