Cathy Bensley
July 2020
Single Room Maternity
Newton Medical Center
United States




Cathy has been an employee at this hospital for her whole adult life. She loves it here and does an amazing job. She is one of the nurses who shares "ownership" of this hospital and takes pride in its many accomplishments. She has watched it grow into the medical center it is today and has grown along with it!
Cathy is effective, if not fluent in all areas of our department, but she as a special affinity for the nursey and the NICU. She has remained certified in neonatal nursing for many years. She has taken care of many of our babies and sent them home with well-equipped families who were prepared for the future. They were educated by one of our more accomplished nurses. This is just an average day for Cathy.
A spectacular day for Cathy is like the one we had this week. In the midst of all the "Corona Crises" and new policies being set into effect, came a nightmare situation. An ambulance bringing a very preterm pregnant mother. Only 25+ weeks gestation. Upon arrival, she was assessed to be ready to deliver. A Cesarean section was deemed necessary, so the patient was prepared for the OR. Cathy, wearing her nursery hat, was responsible for resuscitating the baby. With the doctor at her side, she revived a one-and-a-half-pound baby (600 GMs). Together, they maintained the baby's oxygenation and circulation until the transport team from MMC arrived. Our respiratory department provided ideal support at that time.
Cathy's real love for her job is apparent when you see what she did next. Not only was she credited by the pediatrician for doing a clinically superb job, but before the baby was transported, she managed to educate the mother and reassure that she would be able to visit the baby at MMC's NICU, thereby putting a very frightened mother at ease. I am very proud to work with Cathy and I think we all should be too!