Cassidy Close
October 2020
Orlando Regional Medical Center




His wife realized he needed something to pick him up and Cassidy was able to make this happen. With some help, his fire station was able to surprise him with a visit from his brotherhood.
Cassidy was taking care of a patient who was admitted with sepsis secondary to cellulitis. This was one of the many admissions for the retired firefighter who has been battling spindle cell sarcoma since being diagnosed in 1997. He has had multiple surgeries and has undergone chemo as well as radiation and is always chosen Orlando Health. Normally his source of strength and perseverance comes from his brotherhood at the fire station. His fellow firefighters are frequent visitors during his hospital stays. During his last hospital admission, he lost his father and was feeling particularly low and weak. Since we're only allowed one visitor because of our limitations from COVID his wife was the only one able to come to see him. His wife realized he needed something to pick him up and Cassidy was able to make this happen. With some help, his fire station was able to surprise him with a visit from his brotherhood. They were able to perform a tower salute in show of their support. Cassidy was by his and his wife's side during this. She was able to capture a picture and sent it to the family, it is now a moment they can look back on and cherish.