Carolyn Bodfish
November 2020
2A, Winter Ward (Medicine), Royal Hobart Hospital
Tasmanian Health Service




When we slept, Carolyn sat with Dad, talking to him. I woke up at one stage and she was singing to him. This bought tears to my eyes.
Our father was bought into hospital for what our family thought was going to be a couple of days and he would get better and be sent home. Unfortunately, our dad deteriorated and we were told that he wouldn't be coming home. We had to prepare ourselves that Dad was going to die. You can imagine the shock, disbelief, and grief we felt.
Carolyn was the nurse on for the nightshift. She was a Godsend. She went above and beyond the call of duty. Carolyn was attentive, caring, and supportive. She treated our father with dignity and respect. When she came in to care for him she spoke to him, told him what she was going to do without any hesitation. Carolyn supported me and my brother, making sure we were comfortable, making us tea, getting us something to eat, and preparing another room for us to go to so we could rest. When we slept, she sat with Dad, talking to him. I woke up at one stage and she was singing to him. This bought tears to my eyes.
If we had questions she would give us the information we needed and spoke to us in layman's terms, which we appreciated. Carolyn was nursing Dad for a few nights. On the last day, she came to us, gave us a hug, and said goodbye to Dad. We cannot express our gratitude enough. Having someone who was compassionate, attentive, supportive for Dad and us whilst we went through this meant the world to us which is why we would like to recognize her.
Nurses need to be shown how something they do every day without thinking about it makes a huge difference in a person's life.
Thank you Carolyn from the bottom of our hearts.