September 2019
Pediatric Neurology
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
United States




Although V's need for inpatient care is typical, the care she received from Nurse Caroline is far from typical. It is extraordinary and the standard by which excellence should be measured. Throughout the many inpatient stays here at CHOP, Caroline has proven not only to listen to my concerns and V's but she also hears them. She not only looks at the situation from her own position, but she is also able to put the information from the Neuro team, other consulting specialists and that of her family together to form a clear larger picture and to help us understand it.
The most remarkable thing about Caroline has proven to be using her skills and compassion for patient care to advocate for her patient. You see, on Sunday, Caroline was the charge nurse on duty. She was stopping in V's room regularly to check on her as she had a flurry of doctors in and out all day trying to stabilize her seizures. Once Caroline's shift was over, she stayed. She knew V and she knew that she was in need of a higher level of care than what she could receive on the Neuro unit. I watched as Caroline engaged with the multiple doctors consulting and advocating for V to be sent to the PICU. Caroline continued her efforts over several hours until the decision was made to transfer her. (Caroline also did all of this in a professional manner which helped to keep her family calm). Within just minutes of arriving at the PICU, V began to seize, again. This time, however, her oxygen saturation plummeted, and a code was called. I am eternally thankful for Caroline's advocacy. If not for Caroline, the outcome may not have been positive.
Caroline embodies the ultimate pediatric nurse. She knows how to communicate and care for both patients and parents. We never doubt that V is her priority. Every patient and their family should be so blessed to receive such care.