February 2012
Surgery - Major/General
OSF Saint Francis Medical Center
United States




It has been a long "roller coaster ride" for me. While being worked up to donate one of my kidneys to my brother, it was discovered that I had a lesion on my lung. The excitement that I was going to help improve the quality of my brother's life suddenly dipped to an all time low. My emotional ride of ups and downs came with each additional test to determine MY OWN prognosis. MRI, PET scan, oncology MD to surgeon all took me on a wild ride. The speed was building. The ultimate peak was the day of surgery, my guardian angel came along with me for the ride. She paved the way making sure that the best people were in the OR to take care of me. She was in the OR room holding my hand and keeping me from losing my grip on the roller coaster ride of emotions. I had so many emotions to deal with and so many "what if's?" going on in my mind. Carol Unes gave me so much support to minimize my anxiety before I received anesthesia. I could not have done it without her. Thank you. My guardian angel continues to ride with me while I am healing.