Candice Mackie
July 2019
Trauma ED
Riverside University Health System - Medical Center
Moreno Valley
United States




For many years I have watched from the shadows, and I have great admiration for her compassion and knowledge as a nurse. I have listened to the way this nurse interacts with her patients and their family members. I have even heard her giving strongly-needed advice to patients who are non-compliant with medication and teenagers going down the wrong path. Her words may be strong, but they are caring. I always think to myself 'that is the kind of nurse I hope to be'. I have worked alongside Candice in the ER for nearly 10 years and all these things I say stand out enough for me to write this nomination for her as an extraordinary nurse. In 10 years, her compassion has never changed. She is hard where she needs to be and so kind right where she needs to be. She is so gentle with the little 94-year old we had who fell and broke her hip. Another tech and I needed to change the patient and Candice was right there to help.
My main reason for writing this, however, is regarding a family member she was compassionate with last week. My family member had surgery and I was sitting in post-op when Candice happened to notice me. Instantly, she came over and wanted to know how I was and how my family member was. She asked if I needed anything and gave me her number in case I did. I explained the situation of why I was there and she said some sweet words to me that were probably simple to her but at that moment on that day meant so, so, so much to me, and I really just needed to hear them. And if in this little moment of interaction touched my life and helped me, I can only imagine how many others have been blessed with that same feeling by her.