Brynn Callahan
November 2016
Saint Luke's Cushing Hospital
United States




Brynn caringly and professionally attended M who was hospitalized. Sun Izu, the ancient military theoretician, says in his treatiseThe Art of War, "The commander stands for the virtues of wisdom, sincerity, benevolence, coverage and strictness."Brynn, in her extraordinary service to patients and hospital, epitomizes these characteristics in her everyprofessional, selfless action.It is our observation that we all seek and hunger for professionals magnetized by the truth, those who are unwilling to give up one's good name, uninterested in calculation for the sake of victory, and unable to put one's interest before those of the valued process.We look for one, in this regard, who pursues a calling of self-abnegation. We have described Brynn. Jean Monnet, French Statesman, named 1958 Honorary Citizen of Europe, said,"Institutions are more important than men (or women).But only men (or women) when they have the strength, can transform and enrich things which institutions transmit to successor generations. There are two types of men (or women): those who want to be somebody and those who want to do something."Ever, we will be mindful and grateful that Brynn is a lady of strength who wants to do something.
We hold great respect and admiration for Brynn.