Brittany Padgett
March 2018
Medical Intensive Care Unit
Charles George VA Medical Center
United States




You will never see Brittany Padgett take a shortcut in caring for the Veterans in her care. Whether it's a physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental need, she will work to address every aspect of every veteran's care. She is a fierce advocate and compassionate caregiver and communicator. She is one of the most attentive nurses I have had the pleasure of working with. From going above and beyond to get a Veteran's television connected so he and his wife could watch movies since he had been in the ICU for several weeks, to stopping for an extra 15 minutes outside with a Veteran moving to hospice so he could get some sunshine, Brittany always recognizes and honors each Veteran's specific needs as well as their collective sacrifices and struggles.
The Veteran who wanted to have some normalcy during his prolonged inpatient ICU stay by watching a movie with his wife also struggled with severe PTSD, known to often be exacerbated with critical illness. Brittany didn't stop at, "No, we can't make that work." She contacted the experts in the electric shop and was able to coordinate this important social need for the veteran, which contributed to improving his mood and ultimately his recovery process.
In assuming care for a Veteran moving to a hospice that day, she noticed he was extremely withdrawn and almost non­verbal. When rolling him outside to the Valor Hospice in CLC, she noticed that he lit up. Rather than continuing with a quick transfer to move back to her other duties, Brittany stopped and for 15 minutes sat with the Veteran outside in the sunshine where he began to talk to others passing by and express increased feelings of well-being.
Brittany embodies nursing as an art of understanding. She always strives to go above and beyond to assure her patients are not only physically cared for, but their emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being are honored as well. It is an honor to work beside her to improve the lives of the Veterans we serve.