Brian Hubbard
April 2019
Henderson Hospital
United States




My sister was brought into Henderson Hospital. I flew in from South Carolina on that day and I didn't arrive until that night. My world came crashing down on me seeing my sister laying in the hospital bed. Exhausted from flying all day I sent my parents to the motel room and stayed with my sister. I had myself propped across the room chairs watching my sister. This nurse introduced himself as my sister's nurse for the night. Brian was very passionate, polite and the most supportive nurse I have ever encountered. He brought me a reclining chair and a warm blanket without me ever asking for it, he took it upon himself to make my stay as comfortable as possible. Brian took excellent care of my sister, always checking on her and me.
The next night, he was assigned to us again. He got there a little before the neurologist arrived to advise us of my sister's CAT scan. At that time, we had received the most terrifying news. My sister was brain dead. He knew we were upset and continued to be so supportive and the most compassionate person ever. Keeping us informed of when the doctor would be there, giving us updates because the doctor had to give the order to take my sister off everything. My dad is diabetic and hadn't eaten all day. Brian brought my dad a sandwich, juice and a pudding cup to help him out. He explained the process to us for the passing of my sister. He called us to let us know what funeral facility my sister was being picked for. He knew we didn't want to stay any longer than we had to. I want Brian to know that we appreciate all the care and support that was shown. He took excellent care of my sister in the short amount of time he was with her. He answered my questions and explained things to me. He took care of my sister as if she was his own. Henderson Hospital has one of the most compassionate, caring and nicest staff I have ever encountered. I appreciate the care you did for my sister before and after her passing away.