Bill Howden
June 2019
Vice President of Patient Care Services
Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center
United States




Merriam-Webster defines compassion as a "sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it."
This definition does not just describe what Bill does, it is who he is. He identifies and alleviates our distress, sometimes just with his calming presence, other times with his wisdom and guidance.
Less official, Wikipedia tells me that the qualities of compassion are patience and wisdom; kindness and perseverance; warmth and resolve. I cannot think of anyone who is a more authentic model of these characteristics than Bill Howden.
The lives Bill has impacted throughout his career as a nurse extends beyond the patients he has cared for. The same warmth and kindness that he exudes when interacting with patients and families are felt by those who are lucky enough to have worked with him.
As one of the Leaders of our complex organization I am certain his patience is tested daily, however, instead of frustration, he projects openness and desire to understand others' points of view. Somehow, he taps into an endless well of compassion and allows those around him space to express themselves, learn and grow all while guiding them in a direction that meets the goals of the hospital. His leadership style effortlessly creates a team that does not feel obligated to follow his approach but instead feels supported and empowered to speak up and thereby develop solutions that we all feel ownership of.
He continuously advocates for the patient and doing what is right, which as we know, often is not what is easy or sometimes popular. Bill embodies compassion as a nurse, leader, educator, and individual. Just as the family who created this award had hoped, it allows recognition of an Extraordinary Nurse whose compassionate contributions to patients, GSR, SHS, and the nursing profession will never be forgotten.