Betty Bayog
February 2020
Pedia Oncology
King Saud Medical City, Riyadh
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia




Betty Bayog has been with our unit for 10 years and our CN for 10 years. Whenever she is our CN I feel very confident that our days go well. It is her routine habit to be in the unit before 0630 to ensure necessary preparations were done before anybody arrives. She is very meticulous even for routine work. Nothing escapes her attention from an expired medicine, missed doctors' orders or unit protocols.
Oftentimes we are challenged with the issue of staff shortage, which is perennial in our unit and the best thing with her is that she sees herself as part of the solution rather than somebody who just magnifies the issue. The tension among the staff is rooted in this issue that staff sometimes refuse to take ownership. Betty solutions this by taking part in patient care actively and makes sure that she is physically with the staff helping and assisting them every step of the way. When staff see and experience this, she herself is taking part to solve the crisis, in turn they become settled and more cooperative. There are times when our request for pull out is not accommodated; she does not pick an argument out of this frustration but rather does not leave her staff and works closely with them in every procedure. There are experiences that ER pushes patients without prior notification and brings up 2 to 3 patients at one time, she resolves it by giving a gentle reminder and ends up accepting the patients in order not give undue stress on them.
I cannot remember her making a scene or making matters big and complicated. She draws her calmness by thinking more of our patients and being angry would not solve the problem. Her ways of supporting our staff are very admirable. I know that especially the new staff are in good hands with her. She mentors them by sharing her experience on how to cope. As she discovers gaps during open chart review, rather than being punitive to the staff she supports them and mentors them until they finally improve.
She is a role model for our staff and even to me as she puts patients in the center of her care. She gives time to comfort parents, especially to patients who are newly diagnosed by giving them psychological support to face the difficulties that they are experiencing. Physicians rely on her expertise as well. In fact, she is a living reference to them for being more familiar with our units' protocol. She, being an expert, was able to prevent near-miss incidents that our physicians sometimes commit.
Miss Betty Bayog is a highly reliable person in our unit and has been so dedicated without expectations. We hope that she will be recognized for all the good things she has selflessly done to our unit and most especially to our patients and their family. Betty is a true DAISY Nurse.