Bernadette Augustin
June 2019
Villa 9/10
NMC Provita, Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates




I love Bernadette and I really care for her because she is really nice and hard working. Always at my side and she never leaves me. She cheers me up when I am upset and knows how to make me happy. She is passionate about teaching me my lessons and she makes sure I complete my assignment, corrects me if I am wrong and appreciates me when I'm doing well.
Bernadette wants me to be the best I can be. She is always willing to help me when I need her the most. Going to school with me every day and treating me like her daughter. Whenever I got sick, she showed concern about my health and taking care of me like my own mother and massaging my head to relieve the pain.
She is a perfect nurse to me and because of her, I want to become a nurse someday.