Ayed Al Anezi
June 2018
Coronary Care Unit
King Saud Medical City, Riyadh
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia




Three weeks ago, CCU had a patient diagnosed with Decompensated Cardiomyopathy with Heart Failure. He was extremely irritable, aggressive, uncooperative with the treatment plan, uncooperative with the healthcare team bordering to being abusive verbally and almost physically. Every day was a challenge to every staff assigned to him. We all had a sigh of relief once our twelve-hour duty ended and worried about our colleagues who took over his care.
One day the patient asked to be discharged but the Cardiologist Consultant refused because he was really sick, he could barely get up and gasped for air. The Consultant Cardiologist explained his condition and the need to stay in the hospital but still, he insisted. The family was called up and informed but they also refused to take him because of his condition. He got angrier. The patient became more agitated, aggressive and could not be pacified. Though he was dyspneic, he insisted on being out of bed, verbally abusing the staff. Everyone was afraid he would hurt the staff physically, even the presence of the security guard did not pacify him. Mr. Ayed Al Anezi, his assigned nurse, was supposed to hand over the patient to the night duty staff at 7 pm. His Twelve hours of duty was finished but he did not leave until 10:30 pm because he was afraid his female staff nurse colleague could not manage the aggressive patient.
Mr. Ayed was also fasting at that time but he did not leave his patient. His colleague brought Dates/Tamar and water and he took iftar at the bedside to make sure that patient was safe and also his colleagues. He stayed with the patient, trying to pacify him, spoke to him softly, ensuring that he did not fall down when he insisted on standing up and getting out of bed. I know at that time how tired Mr. Ayed was and how hungry he was from fasting. He did not take proper food to break his fast, he did not leave until the Consultant Cardiologist agreed to let the patient sign DAMA. Mr. Ayed reported for duty at 7 am and left at 10:30 pm. He missed his obligatory prayers because he was afraid thepatient would be hurt and would hurt his colleagues who are all females.
I really appreciate Mr. Ayed for not leaving us at that crucial moment when nobody, not even the security could pacify the aggressive patient. He ensured the safety of everyone at CCU, most especially the safety of the patient. The patient was already verbally abusing him but he maintained his composure, patience and was still very calm and spoke softly to the patient. He did a great job and all the duty staff at CCU cannot thank him enough for helping us until the patient was safely taken home by his family.
For these selfless acts of doing a duty beyond his duty hours and never asking for any reward, I am honored to nominate him for the DAISY Award.