Arlynda Hassan
June 2019
King Saud Medical City, Riyadh
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia




Ms. Arlynda Hassan is always ready to go above and beyond anything expected of her when it comes to providing care to laboring women in severe pain. Although she is busy complying with her documentation and carrying out the doctors' orders, she always finds time to do whatever she can for her patients.
Whenever I do unannounced checks in labor rooms, I have observed her consistency numerous times. She provides back rubs and emotional support to her laboring patients. She recites prayer with them, encourages to do deep breathing, keeps their positivity, discusses their anxieties, holds their hands when they are in severe labor pain and even after the delivery. When one comes in the delivery room, everyone can hear the screams due to labor pain. But whenever I go to her room, I always see her patient in a left side-lying position, calm and reciting prayers.
She is exemplary in her practice and compassionate in her care and work. Most of her patients have a good story to tell in regard to their birth experience. Her consistency in practice and patient engagement throughout their birth experience shows her incredible care and compassion for laboring women.