Anthony Dunegan
December 2014
Oregon Health and Science University
United States




... Anthony consistently demonstrates great compassion for his patients, works particularly well with delirious patients and patients with anxiety and was one of our original participants in Rapid Safety Rounds on 9K due to his frequent assignments to these patients based on his known strengths in caring for them. He has helped disseminate knowledge about assessment and interventions for delirious patients to the other staff on 9K, improving our care for this vulnerable population.

... Most recently, we had a patient with Schizophrenia and chronic pain who had uncontrolled postoperative pain and difficulty articulating his pain to me, the NP. The burden of his psychological disease made it difficult to separate that from his expression of pain. Anthony made the personal connection he always does with his patients and was able to advocate for the patient and get him the correct amount of pain medication to control his pain.

... Anthony cared for a newly diagnosed bone cancer patient whose wife could not drive at night or far from home. He quickly became close to the patient, his wife and two daughters and participated in the family palliative care conference where he was able to highlight these concerns and advocate for a discharge plan that took the wife's driving limitations into account so that she could see her husband regularly at a care facility after his discharge.

Anthony consistently shows compassion, understanding and caring that seems to be "tailor made" for the patients and families he cares for.