July 2012
St. Theresa Hall, Med/Surg Unit
St. Mary's Healthcare
United States




I was in St. Mary’s October 10 through 13, 2012. I had a revision done on my original total knee replacement. Tony was my nurse the morning after surgery. I was stiff, very sore and not a happy camper. He got the job of removing my catheter and the surgical drains. He was so competent that the drain removal that I dreaded was a piece of cake. Even when it wouldn’t stop bleeding, he was just so calm that I knew that everything would be fine.

The most important thing that Tony did was he actually listened to me about my pain. He helped me figure out what worked and helped get my pain management to a level that actually worked. Having lived in chronic pain for the last two decades, and having to deal quite often with medical professionals who treat me like a street junkie; having Tony listen to me and talk to me about different options made dealing with the increased surgical pain bearable. For someone like myself, this is a gift.