Amanda Langendorff
July 2018
Moses Lake Clinic - Infusion
Confluence Health
United States




In May, I left a message for my physician's nurse regarding spotting I had experienced the previous month. I received a call back from Amanda saying the physician was not in but that I should go immediately to the Walk-in Clinic. It was Friday, at 5 pm and I thought about waiting. She very calmly and convincingly persuaded me to go immediately and even checked to see how long the wait was. I went and was referred to Gynecology on Monday. As it turns out I was diagnosed the next week with endometrial cancer. Amanda was truly the reason I went right away. She, in a calm, professional way made me realize I needed to be checked out now. I'm not sure I would have gone had she not done such an excellent job of doing her job. I had a hysterectomy and they got all of the cancer. I just want to thank Amanda. That day she was my guardian angel.