Amanda Kranick
January 2018
Trauma Burn
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Mercy
United States




We had been having communication issues with a family on our unit. Many of the family members were fighting with each other and not communicating amongst themselves in addition to communicating with staff. The patient's spouse was being verbally beaten up by the patient's mother. The spouse ran out of the room and around the nurse's station to exit the unit.
Amanda Kranick noticed that something was not right with the patient's wife. She asked her if she was ok. The wife looked at her with tears in her eyes and said she was ok and ran out. Amanda had the compassion and sense to know that she was not ok. Amanda stopped the wife by tapping her on the shoulder and asking again if she was alright. The patient's wife turned around and hugged her. She started to cry uncontrollably in Amanda's arms. Amanda started to comfort her and decided that she needed to help the wife with more than just a hug. Amanda took her in a private conference room. She provided her with Kleenex and water. Amanda helped to talk to the wife and reassure her that she is strong and making the right decisions. Amanda made sure that she knew we were on her side and there to help her if the family got verbally aggressive towards her. The patient's wife was extremely grateful! Amanda used amazing therapeutic communication.
In addition to this situation, Amanda is a fantastic nurse and a huge asset to the TBU. She is always willing to help a fellow nurse, patient, and family member. She always comes to work with a fantastic attitude and drive to work. I am very proud that I can work with her.