Amanda Golaszewski
May 2018
Medical and Surgical Intensive Care Units
Morristown Medical Center
United States




I arrived at the hospital to visit my dad after his surgery for the fifth day in a row. He was still in the ICU and getting tired and cranky. He suffered from delirium; I did not know if I should laugh or cry. It was the constant reassurances and smiles from his nurse, Amanda Golaszewski, and his assistant that gave me the strength I needed. I knew the ambulance and the police did not come in the middle of the night to drive my dad to the farm. I also knew the nurses were not cutting holes in his arms. What I did not know is if I should play along or try to convince him he was dreaming. Amanda just kept reminding him that he was in the ICU and recovering from surgery. The more she kept him talking the clearer he became. Amanda took the extra time to not only make her patient feel comfortable; she took the time to explain everything to my mom and me as well. When I arrived on Sunday, my dad seemed lucid and stronger. He was telling me all about his nurse and how she was a Villanova graduate and how she was always laughing. I can only imagine how many stories she had to listen to, as his only granddaughter is a senior in high school and looking at colleges. By her third day as his nurse they were buddies. Amanda was attentive and always answered his many calls. She was firm when she needed to remind him that she had other patients, but she always had a smile on her face. Thank you, Amanda, for your compassionate care.